
Ladda Ner Risteyskohdat By Elly Griffiths Anna Kangasmaa Pdf Ebook

Ladda Ner Risteyskohdat By Elly Griffiths Anna Kangasmaa Pdf Ebook Genre : Deckare och thrillers ,Böcker Uusi tunnelmallinen brittidekkarisarja. Elly Griffithsin huippusuosittu ja odotettu Ruth Galloway -sarja alkaa! Luvassa on oivasti punottuja juonia, kohtaamisia menneisyyden kanssa sekä terävä ja inhimillinen päähenkilö. Arkeologi Ruth Gallowayn akateeminen elämä järkkyy, kun poliisi ottaa yllättäen yhteyttä: muinaisen paalukehän liepeiltä on löytynyt ihmisen luita. Onko kyseessä kymmenen vuotta aiemmin kadonnut tyttö vai historiallinen löytö? Etsivä Harry Nelson ei suostu luovuttamaan, vaikka jäljet ovat kylmenneet kauan sitten. Kun toinenkin tyttö katoaa, muuttuu Ruthin neuvonantajan rooli vaaralliseksi. Dekkaristi Elly Griffithsin menestyksen salaisuus on itsenäisen ja älykkään Ruthin, sitkeän poliisin ja Norfolkin rikkaan menneisyyden yhdistelmässä."Ensiluokkaiset henkilöt ja kylmäävä tarina pitävät otteessaan viimeiselle sivulle saakka." –Kirkus Reviews"Huima...

Herunterladen Linda Lael Miller Montana Creeds Series Volume 1 By Linda Lael Miller Pdf Ebook

Herunterladen Linda Lael Miller Montana Creeds Series Volume 1 By Linda Lael Miller Pdf Ebook Genre : Western ,Bücher ,Liebesromane ,Belletristik und Literatur ,Zeitgenössisch #1 New York Times Bestselling author Linda Lael Miller: The First Lady of the West! Meet the Creed brothers, descendants of the legendary McKettrick family. They’re renowned in Stillwater Springs, Montana—but not always for the right reasons! Watch these three brothers reconnect and rediscover family… Logan Creed: He’s finally returned to Stillwater Springs, planning to restore his family’s neglected ranch—hoping he’ll eventually have a family of his own. His neighbor, divorced mom Briana Grant, has heard all the stories about him, so she’s surprised—and thrilled—with Logan’s protectiveness and his kindness to her young boys. Especially when her ex reappears on the scene. And when an unknown enemy vandalizes her home… Dylan Creed: He’s called "rodeo’s bad boy" and he’s a man who likes life in the fas...

Scarica Camino Island By John Grisham Pdf Ebook

Scarica Camino Island By John Grisham Pdf Ebook Genre : Misteri e gialli ,Libri #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • “A delightfully lighthearted caper . . . [a] fast-moving, entertaining tale.”— Pittsburgh Post-Gazette A gang of thieves stage a daring heist from a vault deep below Princeton University’s Firestone Library. Their loot is priceless, impossible to resist.          Bruce Cable owns a popular bookstore in the sleepy resort town of Santa Rosa on Camino Island in Florida. He makes his real money, though, as a prominent dealer in rare books. Very few people know that he occasionally dabbles in unsavory ventures.       Mercer Mann is a young novelist with a severe case of writer’s block who has recently been laid off from her teaching position. She is approached by an elegant, mysterious woman working for an even more mysterious company. A generous monetary offer convinces Mercer to go undercover and infiltrate Cable’s circle of liter...